> emulateur > Emulateur nintendo DS
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Waskol (admin)
Demandez lui - il sait
posté le vendredi 24 janvier 2008 09h45

236 messages
While I think about it, with the nintendo DS, what you can do is to assign a key (or more) to each direction of yourDS cross pad, so that the DS joystick becomes a kind of keyboard for the Oric (it might be easier to implement)
Oric Rome
posté le samedi 25 janvier 2008 10h12

90 messages
Filename CRC DSoric Version Submit By Playable Speed Graphics Sound
1.0 Cristian Yes OK OK OK
FIREFLASH.tap   1.0 Cristian Yes OK OK OK
MACDAM_BUMPER.tap   1.0 Cristian Yes OK OK OK
1.0 Cristian Yes OK OK OK
ULTRA.tap   1.0 Cristian Yes OK OK OK
ZODIAC.tap   1.0 Cristian Yes OK OK OK

ORIC4EVER!! \(^..^) www.iocero.com
maximus (admin)
Druide de l'oricophilie
posté le samedi 25 janvier 2008 17h10

395 messages
alek, cris & wask , please help me to fill the DSOric emulator page
you can consult it in projects menu

back in 1983
Oric Rome
posté le samedi 25 janvier 2008 17h21

90 messages
maximus a écrit:
alek, cris & wask , please help me to fill the DSOric emulator page
you can consult it in projects menu

Ok, first you can add the operation that user must execute to run emulator: From the great alekmaul readme.txt:

Install DSOric on DS FlashCard:

You must patchthe .nds file with the DLDI drivers compatible with your linker.
You don't need  DLDI patch for Supercard CF (test in progress for R4 with DLDI auto patch..stay tuned).
Unzip DSoric.nds from the DSoric.zip archive in a directory of your flash / (micro) SD / MMC card.

Game (tap files) Path:
Put your .tap files where you want.
When the emulator starts, click on the tape to choose a file. you use Up/Down to select a file, then use A to load it.

 * Keyboard with stylus
 * Direction pad : the direction keys ...
 * A : A key
 * B : B key
 * X : CONTROL key
 * Y : SHIFT  key
 * X + Up and Down direction keys : screen move when the resolution is normal
 * R : CONTROL key
 * L : SHIFT key
 * START : Enter key
 * SELECT : Space key

Option Menu:
You can click on the DSoric logo to have the options menu.
The option menu allows you to :
 - do a RESET of the emulator
 - switch between the Oric 1 / Oric atmos (RESET of the emulator !)
 - rewind the tape to the desired position (a tape file must be select)
 - save / restore the emulator state
 - save the keyboard configuration  (a tape file must be select)
 - dsend a report to portabledev regarding the emulation  (a tape file must be select)
To load a file, click on the tape, choose a TAP file and tap after
CLOAD " and ENTER on the Oric keyboard
Saves with the CSAVE command are going in the K7SAVE.TAP file

...As I can I will make some pics/video of DSOric running on my DS (Like Atoric on my Dreamcast)..

ORIC4EVER!! \(^..^) www.iocero.com
Le Dieu de la Déesse
posté le samedi 25 janvier 2008 22h33
20 messages
Thanks a lot Cristian, all you said is ok and fine for me :)
maximus, thanks a lot for the webpage, that's great :D !
Waskol, thanks a lot also for your suport and informations about microdisk / joystick (you know what, i love Dr who too, did you see the last christmas episode with the Titanic, it's a nice episode ^^)

Also, you can talk about the game / tap files compatibility table here : http://www.portabledev.com/pages/ds/jeuxdev.-perso/dsoric/liste-de-compatibilitE9-dsoric.php

Ps : That's strange Cristian , i can't see the games from your precedent post  in my webpage

Also, you can try to patch dsoric.nds file  with the R4 dldi driver (check the dldi drivers here : http://chishm.drunkencoders.com/DLDI/)  and then, use it with the emulator  named "ideas" (http://www.ideasemu.org/). The only BIG pb is that ideas is very slow ... sorry about that.
Oric Rome
posté le samedi 25 janvier 2008 23h10

90 messages
Thx you too alekmaul, you are one of my coder hoeroes! About game.tap test list: there are a games that I've tested myself on my DS. I have use the same table style present in your compatible list page (hope this isn't a problem).

ORIC4EVER!! \(^..^) www.iocero.com
Le Dieu de la Déesse
posté le dimanche 26 janvier 2008 07h47
20 messages
Ok, I understand, it"s not a pb Cristian, that's just i tought my sending option in DSoric was broken because your games were not in the list ^^ it's not a pb ^^
Waskol (admin)
Demandez lui - il sait
posté le dimanche 26 janvier 2008 21h15

236 messages
alek, have a look to one of the suggestions on www.defence-force.org forum :

DBUG said

My only concern is about the missing lines on screen, I guess it's due to the difficulty in fitting a 240x224 screen in a 320x200 screen ?

Wonder if it's possible to kind of "interpolate/smooth" to have the contribution factor of missing lines on screen, because on the Oric we play a lot with odd/even lines, so if some lines are missing this can totaly ruin the "colors" !

and Hywayman said (very interesting suggestion) :

why not put the extra lines onto the second display?

if you had the option to crop the lines from the top or bottom together with a choice of size it could work.

you could move the lines with the scores to the second display like that and still keep the play area complete.

Very wise !!! what do you think about it ?

In hires, the graphical part is 200 pixels height, exactly the DS screen resolution for the upper screen, whereas  the text part is 3*8=24  pixel height for the lower screen, that leave enough space to display the keyboard ..
Le Dieu de la Déesse
posté le lundi 27 janvier 2008 09h01
20 messages
Well, the DS is not 200 pixels height but 192 only :/, that's why i use a "rescale" mode to put the graphics on screen.
And you know, you have a complete oric size mode in DSoric but it is a little buggy actually (i don't know why, you have some red lines when you use it to cload a game ...).
To use the 1:1 oric size, just go to the option menu and choose RESIZE : EXTEND (2nd option). After that, use X and keypad UP/DOWN to scroll the screen UP and DOWN.
Isn't it the option that you want ?
I will try to make it OK in the next release.
Oric Rome
posté le mardi 28 janvier 2008 10h24

90 messages

Some pics of DSOric in action....

NOTICE DSOric R4 Test: All Work perfect, no DLDI patch need! Just Copy Paste file into DIR_DSORIC (or another name you want) from root

ORIC4EVER!! \(^..^) www.iocero.com
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> emulateur > Emulateur nintendo DS