Emulator Tutorial 

Hello small beetle, don't jump

in the Hobbit adventure without reading this paper

about the emulator Euphoric

* * *
Your PC can make revive your dear ORIC

with the emulator EUPHORIC

the only one entirely functionnal for this computer

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This small tutorial complete

the file "readme.txt" of the author

it's really simple for beginner

who know nothing about emulation 

* * *

 Official website  of master Fabrice Frances

Download Euphoric (+ some games) 

Download DosBox



Here is your lovely home page

are you happy to see it again ?

So much emotion to have this

mythical screen still alive

 1 - Installation

 2 - launching a game

- unzip the file where you want

- run the script setup.js (right click)

- adjust  configuratoric (choose directories)

- menu Start > file Oric:

   Euphoric propose these configurations: 
- Oric1 or Atmos alone
- with floppy disk drive (microdisc or jasmin)
- at last the final oric: the telestrat.

 It's time to load a program 

 type the famous command CLOAD"name of file" :

- CLOAD"zorgon.tap" or

- CLOAD"zorgon" or 

- CLOAD"Zorgon  works too

 You can also simply click on the file
 Experimented users can open and adjust the file euphoric.ini


 3 - the main menu - F1

  Description of fonction keys:    

  F1: access or leave the main menu (press that first)

  F2: sound  on/off

  F3: activate printer of file, then type LLIST and wait, it will create a text file (printer.txt) of a basic program for exemple

  F4:  double processor clock speed during the game, acceleration very useful !! , you can adjust manually too, in main menu

  F5: put clock to original speed = 1 mHz

  F6: complete reboot of Oric (you lose the program)

  F7: try to only reboot the program, but don't work always

  F8: DumpSound activate/desactivate

  F9: backup of the memory during the game, it create a dump file delicate to use (details above)

  F10: leave euphoric

  F11: debugger tool (for programmers only)

  F12: to make screenshots very simply

  4 - Using the dump file created by F9   5 - Creation of shortcut for launching dump file
    Pressing F9 create a dump file which is a copy of the RAM
   But beware ! the file is unique 
   Each time you press F9, you delete previous one

   So if you want to keep a game
   you must manually create copies in separate directories
   impossible to change the name, always use dump

   euphoric use the dump file which is in its own repertory

    Using the backup dump:
  you must launch euphoric modified by parameter:  -r

  the most simple is to create a special short-cut

                     If you don't know how, follow the tutorial beside  >

  Rem: Some games propose to save too, but it's another story
  because you must to be experimented with gestion of tapes
  recorder of euphoric, explanations in next page. 

 - button START

 - go on the Atmos icon in euphoric file

 - right click hold, and drag on desktop 

 - release 

 - choose copy or create shortcut

 - go on the new icon

 - right click

 - properties

 - add -r after command line
   for exemple >  c:\Euphoric\euphoric.exe –r

 - valid

  run this shortcut rather than the menu one

  your dump is loaded in memory

 Next  >
