Ho King !  give me my girlfriend !!

In the pixels world, homo oricalus defy his strongest cousin

absolutely safer on computer

Is there a machine without its KONG ?

I show you only 3 among several others

special mention for a light version of only 
4ko by Dbug !




Author: V Nicolas
Editor: Sprites

 free Listing
generously offered by  
TILT n°11

Author: Adrian Sheppard
Editor: Seven Software
NB: only for Oric1







too difficult to play 

curious gameplay

i didn't really can test this game


if someone has advices...

 - 100%  machine code
- an excellent graphism
- adjustable keys

except rare bugs it' the best
Kong clone for ORIC

rem: paddle recommended

1984: What a wonderful time !

you bought a magazine for only 5 francs
and after hours of type-in
you got a superb arcade game

Unfogetable !!  BASIC my love !!






So let's go to live again those
histor'hic (barrels !) moments


dinky kong demo